What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

Perfect customer care! Quick! Cleaned everything! Thank you for the cleaning!

I used SERVPRO to have my ac ducts cleaned after having my house fumigated for termites. The fumigation left a foul smell near one of my ac ducts. Needless to say, their staff went above and beyond with their service. Once the ducts were cleaned and the smell persisted, another crew came into my home to locate the odor. They were able to remove the dead rodent within 36 hours of entering our home. Thank you SERVPRO.

SERVPRO of South Palm Beach did an excellent job cleaning carpet and tile I never thought could possibly come clean, but they did it! Their staff is all professional, courteous, customer service driven, friendly, and a pleasure to work with. They are the only carpet and tile cleaning company I will ever use, and recommend them wholeheartedly.